Indeed, there are great rewards
Light of Truth
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Patanjali's Yoga Darshan New!
An introduction to the Vedas
Dayanand's Life Teachings
Atheism:The path to God

Past dialogues a must read! Warning! Readers' discretion is advised, in some areas opinions and language might be offensive.

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Atheism: The path
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"When the time of destruction is at hand the intellect becomes perverted." Vridha Chan. 16:17.

The quest for truth requires the right inclination guided by impartiality and good reasoning.

  *Sattvic, Rajasic, TamasicThe three-fold nature of man (mind).
Let's be reasonable when it comes the most abstruse science of God (wisdom), the ignorant (by repentence) and the wise (by intensed effort) can never reap the same rewards.
  1.Those who make things happen.
In this dark age of Kaliyug, only a few are gifted with very high inclination to courageously seek and put into practice true knowledge. The fruits of emancipation by the constant and strenuous efforts in the practice of yoga, are almost guaranteed, if not in this life, certainly the next.
  2.Those who watch what happen. (Rajasic)There are those who are not at all gifted with intellectual reasoning, but because of compassion and mercy of a Just God, they too are eligible for a higher birth, free of pain and misery. They can be nurtured to practice purity, abstaining from alcohol, meat, smokes and promiscuity, etc., the constant practice of Sandhya and/or Homa and their undivided dedication to the service of the wise, who disseminate true knowledge for good of all mankind.
Then there are those who are neither inclined nor can be nurtured, because of deep materialistic attachment to wealth. Even though far distant from the practice of austerity of any kind, they will not relinquish the thought of doing some good. These souls, to maintain the good life even into the next birth, can lend moral and financial support for the dissemination and/or propagation of true religion.

Any selfless act of giving to promote the cause of the one true religion is a step closer to salvation.
  3. Those who wonder what happen. (Tamasic)And there are those, the majority (believers of false dogmas and atheists), who are not at all capable of any of the above, compulsion being so. They are doomed to many births of pain and misery. Note many, not eternal. Our actions are finite and it can only reap finite rewards or punishment. They will keep coming birth after birth until they too can put an end to their ignorance by effort with the aid of the correct knowledge.
  *Rig Veda 10: 17.4."An ignorant man has eyes to see but sees nothing, has ears to hear but hears nothing, has a tongue to speak but speaks nothing. The ignorant can never understand the hidden mysteries of knowledge. But it is to the learned alone that knowledge reveals its true nature, just as a woman longing to meet her husband, dresses in her best and puts on her finest jewelry, so as to display her charms to him."
Redemption is a fool's passport to a fool's paradise.

All theories or facts, theological or scientific, must conform with

Join the debates:
Do all paths lead to God?New!
Five Tests of true religion
What they said:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Donate/Daan
Dr. Heger
A Pillai
Dr. Arya
Arya Putra
S Javeri
My 69th
A tribute

  Life and teachings of Swami Dayanand. "Slavery and thralldom of the worst kind ever follows in the train of "gurudom", it utterly enfeebles men morally, intellectually and spiritually."
  Swami Dayanand. "But man, when acting in ignorance, or under guidance of a perverted judgment, will turn the best gifts of God into a veritable curse."
  Light of Truth. "The soul that denies the existence of the Supreme Being or believes Him to be limited to some particular time or place, or conducts itself against the will, nature, character and attributes of God or bears malice to another, becomes subject to fear."
Dr. Christopher Heger
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Dr. Christopher Heger - 09/04/98 08:44:55
Hello, I just have visited your site -- or to be precise: your sites about Islam and Christianity, the religions I have some knowledge about -- and I am charmed by the directness and bravery of your approach.
Kind regards,
Christoph Heger
A Pillai
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A Pillai - Guestbook 04/06/99 10:50:54
"Your site is a glorious testament to the Vedic Dharma ... and in truth our books are the world's oldest - but be wary of chastising those faiths and books whose opinions may differ from our own... other than that, Vj , it has been an inspiration and a spiritual catharsis to this hindu seeker in reading your work... continue to burn the flame of the Vedas in the darkness of this malechha territory..."

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ShaB - InsidetheWeb messageboards
Monday, 31-May-1999 01:16:02 writes:
"You know the funny thing in Islam, they got me to believe that whatever people say bad about Islam is a bunch of lies because they wanted to ruin it, they are our enemies.

Even when I interacted with Vj the first time, I thought he was some psycho out to get Islam also, so I said whatever I had to say to defend Islam and then stayed away.

But you know hanging out at the Islam Board was useless for me at the same time going through ordeals with Muslims in my community, they couldn't agree amongst themselves Quran, hadiths, Bible, What stress

I became interested in what Vj had to say when Muslims started attacking him.

Right now Muslims think hell can't wait for him, but I thought if he believes in One God and lives a Righteous and Pious Life, what would make him different than us?

Whatever he's been saying so far he has not been proven of lying, so who's the liar?

I love all Humanity just as Vj does. Just think of Vj as a surgeon cutting you open with a knife to save you, not as a Murderer."

ShaB - Date: Friday, 03 Dec 2004
Hi Vijai,
How are you? Its been a while, I was reading my posts on ur site year 1999, Since then, I never thought as a Muslim again, and have read your site from time to time.

Recently in the morning, I spend two hours of joy reading the message boards gives me something to reflect on for the rest of the day.

Vj, I don't see any other way that's gonna teach me to do what's right for my soul. I don't want to be ignorant any more I'm willing to work hard.

ShaB - Date: Friday, October 22, 2010.
hey vj, how u doing? Congratulations on your book..good for you!!! I was amazed to see my past writings in 1999 on the page Those who dare .. after reading ur site I really havent been able to believe in heaven or hell coming from these dingbat religions..I know there is no such places..we create our own heaven and hell..Hell Yeah!!! I have been blessed, spiritual inclinations..!!! i know that its a process but my spirit will continue to elevate in this life and in the next, even if I may screw up from time to time :D..Im the manager of my thoughts..
bless you vj :)
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March 16th 2003
Name: Ved
From: india

well done son, I would like to know who were your parents!! They must have been great souls re-incarnated, to have been given such a wise son as you.
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Rajeev Kumar - Guestbook 06/11/99 16:26:12
"Namaste Vijay Singh Ji, I think you donated diamonds and jewels in your last birth, that's why you are doing this great work. Please keep it up for the benefit of all human beings. A verse from Bhartrihari would be just right for your endeavour
"The worldly-wise may praise one or condemn, fortune may smile on him or frown on him, death may come at this very moment or after ages, but a wise man, does not swerve from the path of justice."

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samtzu - Excite messageboards
July 22, 1999
"Harry, Vijai doesn't need or even want me to defend him, so I won't. But I have looked deeper into Vijai's heart than anyone else on these pages has been willing to do, and I see what he is saying, sorta'. The Vedic knowledge that he refers to is quite thorough. The fact that it is presented in metaphor should not detract from its validity. Remember, all higher math is a metaphor. Study carefully the Vedic "Scripture" before you dismiss it. Vijai has a very disturbing technique for finding devotees, one that is not suited for our western ways of thought, but he is quite sincere, and what he offers is very real. His personality could use some "smoothing" but that rough (VERY rough!) exterior hides some very useful knowledge.

I've said for years that there is no such thing as free education, and part of the price is putting up with Vijai's abuse and insults. I do not accept him as one of my teachers, nor do I accept the Vedic scripture as the only truth, but I am sure that Vijai can relate to somebody, and I am very certain that Vedism is correct on most theological points. I'm sure that Jesus could be a prick at times, too. Good luck on beating your head against that wall."

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Ramesh - Insidetheweb messageboard
Wednesday 8-Dec-1999
"Your web site is a great inspiration for me. I always read the posts. But there are many things I really don�t know. I am searching for answers. I hope you would help me on my journey to seek the truth. There are many things that are beyond my reason. I am striving to go higher.

Jewel Spirit
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Jewelled-Spirit - Excite Messageboards
July 9th, 2000
"Vijai,I put much thought and consideration into what you said in your last post to me. I prepared a point-by-point answer and let it simmer in my mind for the past couple of days - but when I returned to look at my response, I realized that I no longer saw things the same way that I did. So, I did not post it and took the time for more consideration.

This led me to think about all that has transpired since we started posting back and forth. Through contemplation on our conversations from the beginning, I realized that in order to begin to see and accept what you were saying, I had to distance myself (detach) from the emotional response your words automatically triggered. I realized that instead of truly listening for the core of what you were saying, I was �reacting� which isn't listening (or understanding) at all.

I, being a highly sensitive person, still cringe at the idea of name-calling and harsh behavior in order to make a point (although I have said some pretty harsh things myself, as you pointed out), but I understand a lot more now �why� you do it. What you said in your last post about the necessity for calmness and open-mindedness reminded me to look at the situation with new eyes.

You have taught me a great deal through our often heated exchanges and I thank you for that. What I have learned has made me more compassionate and understanding and has reminded me how important it is to truly listen without jumping to conclusions or false judgments.

One statement in particular from your last post had such a profound impact on me, it still sits on my heart. You said, "So tell me by your reasoning when they run away from me to glorify you what hope is there for them?"

Thank you, Vijai. From the bottom of my bleeding heart. Knowing you has made me a better person.

I hope that my experience will help others here to take an honest look at themselves and how they feel about you. You are often a cruel teacher, but sometimes the lessons demand it.

JS, who was unhappy with the answers because she was asking the wrong questions."

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My debate with Valender - Excite Messageboards
January 03, 2000
"Vj, I just want u to know, that despite the fact that we disagree here and there, I like you. Fundamentally, you bode no ill will towards anyone, and there's a lot to be said for that."

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Vinita - Insidetheweb messageboards - March 13, 2000
"I think Vijai Bhai is doing an excellent job in tying his opponents into knots with logic or correct knowledge. More logical critical minds are needed in this world so that all insane wars started by religious bigots who don't deal with logic but instead warped notions of God based on supernatural myth and legends surrounding so-called divine figures can be stopped.

The only divine one is God. God, the ruler of the whole Universe, who gave all humanity the Vedas. The Vedas deal with scientific facts and natural law both these subjects meaning one and the same thing. Via the yogic process, logic helps all humans decide the best way to achieve not only his/her own welfare but one that will bring maximum benefit to all.

Now if that isn't a noble may I clarify that an Aryan basis for having this discussion board I don't know what is. Can you tell me of any other clearly scientific and divine way of bringing this world of ignorance to universal truths, which will lead to peace and eventually final emancipation?"

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JK James -Email:
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 4:35 PM
"Dear Mr Singh,
I absolutely love your site. It explains to me a lot since I have for a long time wondered why mankind has so many mutually contradictory religions. I have studied each religion and can not for the life of me understand why we need them all if there is such a thing called truth. Secular science also does not do it because it takes the wrong answers and replaces them with no answers. You have helped me to verify that which I have long suspected of western science and its evolution dogmas and the fraud that it perpetrates. In addition, I am grateful to you for sharply differentiating between the Vedic religion, which I am beginning to see as the true one, and the abomination called Hinduism. I also love your ripping into the other abominations called Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahai, Jainism, and Charvaka.

However, there are two major faiths you have left out. One is Taoism and the other is Confucianism. I can not see why these two mutually contradictory faiths, which are intolerant of one another can possibly be true. One, Confucianism, is a stultifying rationale for stuffy upper-class values and snobbery. The other seems to be moving in a direction of truth but fails to provide anything of substance. Indeed, it seems to me that Taoism has flowers but no fruit so what possible use is it?

I myself was raised Roman Catholic but soon saw through the trash that induced the nuns to scare the shit out of us in school and beat us with rulers. After a brief stint with Protestant Christianity, I moved next to Islam, to which I converted. But after seeing the incredible violence and poverty of primitive society I then lost faith entirely and became one of those evolutionist idiots. Then I tried out Buddhism. Little by little I have been moving towards the Vedas.

It used to make me angry that there are so many false lying religions in the world but it no longer does because I now realize it to be an immutable law that things inevitably decay. Thanks for your site; it helps a lot."
JK James

Rodney Lingham
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R. Lingham- Email:
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 9:37 PM
Subject: Excellent website!
Just a note to congratulate you on the excellent Arya website that you have created, and an brilliant way in which you have brought forth the Swamis teachings. In such an age as our present Kali, such thinking is needed to bring back Vedism into the fold and not include false dharmas into it (such as Islam, Christianity, etc.) as many Swamis do.

A writer on Hinduism myself, there is much within the modern Hinduism that I disagree with to which Swami Dayanand has been a great inspiration, in taking me back to the Ved and realizing the many pearls of wisdom in it, and the falsity of modern thinking. If only more Hindus would read and listen to his teachings!
Best Wishes!"
-Rodney Lingham

Sent: Friday August 20, 2010
Just a note to say how much I enjoyed your website, and your discussions on various religions, in the spirit of Maharishi Dayanandji.

We need more of such websites like yours, that bring out his works, discussions, and teachings of our ancient Vedic Shastras!

May your site inspire many thousands of Hindus to embrace Satya Dharma!
Krnvanto vishwamaryam!
Durgadas (Rodney Lingham). New Zealand

Storm Benson
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S. Benson -Email:
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 4:51 PM
Subject: Thank you for your boards and sites
It is because of the truth that you present that I have left my old beliefs and delved into the wonders of the one true religion. I also enjoy reading your various boards when I am able to access them.
Thank you
Storm Benson
The Truth of One True Religion
By Storm Benson 03/10/02 09:00:22 PM
Perhaps it was because I had been in the military and served in a war that I realize that I owe my life to the valuable lessons taught to me by the rather terse Drill Sergeants, and, therefore, being able to appreciate when I hear life-saving instruction in if the tone is rough.

I feel, VJ, that what you are saying is as heavy and precious as gold. Anyone who can't receive your message because of your gruff style of offering it must seem to you as if you are putting a priceless necklace on a cow or throwing pearls before swine.

All the writings of all religions have some truth and beauty in them; unfortunately, it is the same with many poisons. They taste good going down and aren't, consequently, recognized as deadly.

I have read everything I can find by you like a man in a desert at a long-awaited oasis. I just wanted to say thank you and I hope your writing will be on the web for a long time. However, I am not real popular with the Moslems, Christians, and Jews because of my quoting you."
Storm Benson

Shanta S
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Shanta - Email:
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 11:04 AM
Dear Mr. Singh,
It is a treasure trove of information on your website. I am born a Hindu but steadily found myself drifting towards the Arya Samaj ideology and the vedas as a true source of knowledge. I live n the US and work as a resident in anesthesiology, and till I finally bumped into the clear and scientific explanation of God as in the Vedas...and their correct interpretation( for we often come across the wrong ones...which only weaken ones faith in the religion) I was groping in the dark..Efforts by people such as you are greatly appreciated and affirm ones faith that religion and science need not go in opposite directions. I only hope the samaj upholds its vedic values....and does not soft pedal puranism to appease the lay Hindu and make itself popular.

PS My entire education was at Ramakrishna Mission....though it does a lot of good work it really leaves people from there totally confused about religion and they say, all paths are ok.....anything is just dont know where to draw the line, some monks there even worship ramakrishna as an avatar and sing his praises and do a suprabhat in his honor. And they call themselves advaita ashrama, vedanta mission, etc. Well maybe their core agenda is vedantism but to make themselves politically correct they say all is fine. This we should refrain from doing. Satyameva Jayate

Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 7:58 PM

I have been going thro ur website for the past few days and it is vast but excellent, I hope it stays there, meanwhile do you reccommend any books that I may use. I look forward to having something that will give me the sar of the veda and then a book of code or conduct for living. The stuff you have on your website is very useful regarding....marriage, education etc. The commandments too. I have found the vedic sandhya and the translations superb. i was initiated to do trikal yajurvediya kalatreya sandhya....but it was laborious and full of rituals....and then full of puranic references.....and I was to do it three after a few years I had quit. Now I have started doing the dwikal sandhya shown on the web. Superb indeed and it has given me a lot of inspiration. My gratitude to you again for your effort.

The illuminator
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From: Kash -
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 7:13 PM
Recently I was very busy, did not get much time to visit your website. However I was there the other day and was impressed with the unceasing zeal and intellectual fever with which you are deseminating the Laws of god (wisdom of the vedas). Congratulation ..

However I have just read the dialogue...From this dialogue it is easy to see that V. Chauhan does not understand the vedic religion which he claimed to subscribe to. This proves a point that there are people who may beleive in the right stuff but yet do not understand it ..... His arguments are weak..You did a good job in your rebuttals. Take care ..

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A.S.- Email: August 13, 2003
Dear Mr. V.J Singh,
I read with great interest the article 'NATURAL LAWS' and your conversation with Randy after downloading the material from the internet.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of ignorance as well as misinformation among the global population about basic facts of life and metaphysical truths.

I appreciate your efforts for dispelling this ignorance.

with best wishes,

Dr. P.Q.
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Received by email -
On Saturday, October 18, 2003
Subject: The truth

Thank you.

What a wonderful website! I'll be visiting you regularly.

Independent Health Adviser

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Received by email
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Subject: Vedic Dharma
I am very impressed to see your selfless efforts towards Vedic Dharma.
I have become an Aryasamajist since fifteen years and love reading about the Vedas and written five books 1- Shanka Samadhan and 2- Andhvishwas Nirmoolan in Hindi and 3- Quest-the Vedic Answers, 4- Peace of mind, 5- Back to the Vedas in English. Also I have written more than 100 articles on various subjects.
BUT when I saw your effort on website, I can say you have done the best job for humanity. God bless you!
With Love - Love - Love !
"Krinavanto Vishwamaryam"
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Received by email
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Subject:Your website
Hi Vijay, its a wonderful website. U have lot of courage and passion for what you are doing. i wish you all the best.

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Received by email
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Subject:About the website
Namaste Ji
I have visited at your website and found it very interesting. I am obliged.

The work which is done by you is great achievement in the field of Arya Samaj. Information about the vedic and about the Arya Samaj on the internet is the necessity of Arya samaj at present time in the name of electronic media, which is almost fulfil by you. I am sending you my sincere wishes to you.
May Ishwar give you very healthy and long life.
With regards,
Vinod Arya

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Received by email
Tuesday, August 04, 2004
Subject: Beautiful website
Namaste Shree man Vijay singh Ji,
Congratulations for having such a wonderful website on maharishi Dayananda Saraswati, God bless You. will recommend your site to others as well. Namaste.
Yogi Deepak
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Received by email
Wed, Sept 08, 2004
Subject: New Science
I found an article you may be interested in reading. Please read the article New Science.

On a side note, I'm a fan of your web site, your site is fantastic and scholarly. A beautiful and enlightening read. Thank you so much!

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Received by email
Sun, Dec 19, 2004
Subject: Your webpages
Dear Sir
I have read some webpages of yours and have found them wonderful and informative.
I would like to thank you for putting these online and I will tell my friends and associates of them.
Thank you.
G. Osborne
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Received by email
Sat Feb 05, 2005
Subject: Excellent work
Hi! Vijay:
I've just visited your site. It's splendid. More importantly, you are doing an important service to the humanity.
Please keep up the great work to inspire more and more people! In solidarity,
Dr. Arya
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Received by email
Sat Feb 19, 2005
Subject: Arya Samaj
Dear Shri Singh,
I appreciate the service you are rendering for the cause of spreading the concept of true religion as envisaged by Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati.
With Regards.
Yours Truly,
Dr. Arya
Ex-Vice Chancellor Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya
New Delhi, India
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Received by email
March 5th, 2005
Subject: Light of Truth
Namaste Bhaiji,
By the way it is a wonderful job you've done by loading the Satyarth Prakash, etc. on the net. There's too much talk and very little action in Samaj circles. Glad you are doing something.
Rudy M.
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Received by email
May 11th, 2006
Subject:Vaidik Dharma
Namaste Vijai Singh,
First, let me say that your website has been very helpful to me in learning about Vaidika Dharma, Arya Samaj and Maharishi Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Keep up the good work!
Allen A.
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Received by email
Dec 20th, 2006
Namaste Aryaji,
Its very pleasing to browse everytime when i'm online. your site is a source of information, vedic principles, the great debates with africans. You are doing great job of serving humanity of spreading truth all around the world.
May we succeed in our mission of KRIVANTO VISHAVAMARYAM.
Arya Ashok
Arya Putra
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Posted on messageboard
February 7, 2007
Through this website, Mr. Singh is taunting us to look into the matter of Truth from a fresh perspective. That perspective is ever-new and yet as old as time itself. It is not necessary to believe this in order to ascertain the truth (or not) of what he is saying, but it is necessary to at least go through the materials on his site thoroughly before one can come to a sound conclusion (as to the veracity of those materials)....

Those who are looking for a solution will find Mr. Singh�s site an eye-opener. It will help people to look at themselves and realize that they have been deluding themselves for so long. Some people will turn away in anger, others in turmoil, some with gratitude or appreciation, and some will just enjoy this brief moment and continue their journey in eternity.

Posted Feb 20, 2007
Namaste Singhji,
(In neither case am I referring to you because I do not know you. From your writings I perceive you are very earnest, straightforward, and a man of strong principles. The Wise hold to their principles but let go of their images; I think this describes you, or certainly it is what you aspire to.) Your website has consolidated a wealth of knowledge which provides serious seekers of Truth with a valuable resource for self-study and self-inquiry. Those who earnestly go through the materials will be able to arm themselves with correct knowledge with which to continue their search. Again, I congratulate you for your noble efforts.

You are a humble man, and earnest too, and your message will reach into the minds and hearts of even more people if they readily perceive your selflessness. You are doing a good job (good service); but the more imageless (and egoless) we become, the more the fragrance of our Yajna will spread to purify many more people.
Your well-wisher,
Arya Putra
Beyond Religion

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Received by email
Mar 20th, 2007
Dear Vijay ji�
I read your books like satyartha prakash, yoga, sandhya,homa, The ten principles, Gayatri Mantra, A tribute, The Light of Truth, An introduction to the Vedas, Dayanand's Life Teachings, Questions frequently asked, Natural Laws from your web site. I Have have realised the truth of vedic philosophy (after reading Satyarth Prakash) & have recently started going to Sangopanga Vedvidyapeeth,Gurukul Tatesar, Jauntee,Delhi-82, some times.
Thanking you.
Mihima S.
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Posted on messageboard
Mar 26th, 2007
After what I have read in the electronic book "The Light of Truth" have illuminated my heart and brought much light and security to my soul.
I want to read more and learn more. My quest of spirituality is now full. I know I must learn the exact way to worship the one God.

I am from the province of Quebec in Canada.
I do not want to get involved or stucked in a cult again but keep my brain fresh from control and learn with the Swami books and looking at the experiences of other brothers that could help me.
Thank you.
John Black

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Sent by email
05 - 28 - 07
Respected Vijai Singh ji,
You make my life sooo beautiful. You are my Guru. 15 years ago I read satyarth parkash, but i could not make any progress due to ignorance, but reading all your posts in 6 months it seems I am in bliss. Now I practice yoga also. I feel that you enhanced the quality of my life.
I touch your feet with so much gratitude.
Manish Bansal
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:09:37 AM
Subject: Web Artical
Dear Vijaisingh,
The Vaidic Religion information which is there in the Internet is really Awesome.

You are really doing a great work by spreading the Light of Truth all over the world.

This is one way we can wake up the Superstitious people and can make India the well known �Aryavart� again.
All the best.
Best Regards,
Shraddha Javeri |VBU Auto OEM|CMS Chennai

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Fri, 21 Mar 2008,
Subject: Thank you
Thank you for enlightening me about the false religion Christianity is, the bible is full of evil and contradictions. The god of the bible is the invention of a tribal mentality, brutal and unforgiving, stoning people to death is barbaric, sacrificing animals to atone for sins is evil. If the christian god is so powerful why didn't he banish the devil in the garden of eden, instead he has let injustice prevail until today. I am looking for truth and a loving god to believe in, something rock solid, i hate injustice murder and strife lying and deception. This world has become an evil place because the truth has been kept hidden from people by powerful enemies of the truth for too long.
May the true God prevail.
Volkmar Fuerer
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Posted on:
Shiv Satchit says:
I am thrilled to bump into this gem of a website. It is indeed, a pleasant surprise to see there are still bone fide Arya Samajis out there dedicated to promoting the unfinished mission of His Holiness Swami Dayanand Saraswati in the world today and to transmit his message across the world through the Internet. I have been an ardent Arya Samaji all my life - the believer in truth as Veda intended for humanity configured in One, Unitary, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent God, OM, reverberating throughout each and every particle of the universe.
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Posted on:
Sat Jun 12 2010
In 1995 I first read Satyarth Prakash and threw it away because I was a hardcore Pauranik and astrologer. But that gave me a direction for further exploration. In six years, I read virtually all major religious texts. In 2001, when my thoughts started to shape up, I came across your site. It was then, and perhaps even today, the only site to provide Satyarth Prakash, Rigvedadibhashyabhumika and Dayanand's life sketch in such succinct format. I spent lot of time reading everything carefully and exploring many of your debates and links. That helped me become clear of my purpose and framework of life. Had you not started that site, I do not know how much more time I would have taken to reject the fraud and accept the truth.

So all i am doing is repaying the debt to you. And I shall do that till last breath.

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Posted on Facebook:
Keshava says:
Namaste Vijay Singh ji, I am a very great fan of you. I like your debating style.
You are doing a great service to Dharma.
Your website is really very very informative.
Keshava Arya.
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Posted on Messageboaard:
Paul says:
I tried to contact you off website but the link would not work,I just wanted to show my appreciation for your posts, work and effort. Thanks, this is great stuff, especially on sikhism. Keep it up.
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Sent by email:
Simon says:
Greetings, Mr. Singh
I would like to begin by saying that I am thoroughly enjoying your book 'atheism: one true path to god'. I have recently freed myself from the mental thralldom that is the Christian faith.
With respect
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Posted on guestbook:
October 30th 2014
I have been raised as a Baptist Christian and I find your website very interesting. Thanks to a friend of mine for giving the website.

Reply Thank you Christie for visiting my site. If it spikes your interest know that you are among a rare few who have the courage to seek the truth. I am like a prospector who have found the ground where rests the rarest commodity (truth) in the world. Now all you require is time and effort, a lots of it, to unearth it.
Take care,
Posted on : 2014-11-01 08:08:59

Brahmachari Subhanandaji, M.A.
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Wisdom facilitates the awesome quest of life with fascinating answers and motivates the human spirit with zeal and zest; She never betrays our confidence especially when pursued. Wisdom has the faith and elasticity to outlast the stretch of ignorance and the space to accommodate and tolerate as a scanty prescription to emergency ignoramus; until we repose in the stability of truth. She is life's only hoping to merge with the Supreme Master. Seek knowledge with diligence and speed, to justify a meaningful life.
I speak of God and the Rishies. I have done nothing so far that is not able to shout about; I lay claim to nothing my son. So there is nothing we can say or do without the thankfulness of Swamiji. His life and teachings are the doorway to truth and God. Leaving Him out of History and Modern prudence is talking nonsense or gossiping. Swamiji, stands out as the mirror of wisdom.
Bram's Guru Acharya Baldev is no longer with us. He passed away on Friday Jan 28th 2016. We delight in the passing of this great soul but sad that the light of Vedic wisdom has gone dimmer, not only for India, but the whole world.

I joined his Gurukula Kalwa in Haryana in Sept.1976 and for the next 3 years I was his devoted Subhanando, as he always called out to me. As a young 24 year old from Guyana, South America I was immediately taken by his profound humility and wisdom that I made it my duty to serve him as I learn for the time I was there.

Feb 09, 2007
He who knows God is everywhere never seek to find him elsewhere. He who is happy never searches for it. He who goes to be happy elsewhere does not know what it is to be happy. What you give most for your time that is what you love. Time is of the essence. Time is the most precious gift. You give it to what you love most.

Never believe for one moment you can tell someone you love God, for you will lose those precious seconds to love HIM, which is outside the borders of wisdom. Wisdom does not permit the cheap substitution of time. There must be sweetness, nutrition, and growth in every interaction. He will know it is fake for He is omniscient. He has always been silent and in silence, He deals, so in silence, He will connect only.

Most people spend their entire life to build a home and rarely live in it until they can't move around too much, where they try calling the doctor home. Finally, they move to a hospital, where they never wanted to be in the first place, but is it the place that matters or the condition? If it is the place, then go to Mecca (haj) or Haridwar (kumbh mela).
Have a nice day!

Oct 09, 2007

What is Happiness?
Happiness is the name given to that feeling which flows from the intellect to the heart and delights the soul. Happiness comes from within not from the memory of what material you have. There is a constant feeling from the flow of exuberance in the heart. This escalation is the result of knowledge and awareness. Not the memory or sight of your material assets. A carrier of happiness never flies around the world to shout it out. It is that feeling which comes and distributes itself, only to someone who relishes the taste of it. The fake agent who goes to lecture it out must reflect it more than he speaks.

Now, why would someone who is contented and happy in silence want to be rich? If wealth is what facilitates peaceful lectures then why not be wealthy? Let us all be honest with ourselves. If you are happy why go out to work or anywhere.? What are you searching for when you go out? Why you give up happiness and go somewhere to be happy? If you are satisfied with your state why go anywhere? It is for the fulfillment of desires that we go. We only search when we lose something. If you are wise why explain yourself? Wisdom is the final touch of perfection and does not need the fear of misunderstanding to sustain itself. If you find happiness going to church, it meant you were not happy at home. How can you be happy when you have to go home after church? Why leave the church if that is where you find happiness? An idiot is one who does know what he/she is searching for, day after day. An obstinate clown is one who does the same thing over and over without finding, seeing or feeling any growth or change in his entire life. To a clown, wisdom is what he does or believe, but on the other hand, a wise man concerns about his growth and see it in action.
Love to you and your family.

Friday, April 18, 2008
God will or must have blessed you already. The extent of your mind is admirable. The elasticity of a prudent mind has been demonstrated once again. This assemblage of diversified and intrinsic wisdom is laudable. It is true that not all can afford Diamond.. and diamonds will be diamonds... and only a few can recognize, know and own such brilliant collections. IF what Swami [Dayanand] said, "without the truth voyaging through your heart, fearlessness will not come. Then you are a fine specimen of a prudent mind. Well done my son. The sun is constant and brilliant....You have attained that regularity and Om.
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Namaste Ajaa (paternal grandfather) & Happy Birthday!
We are so blessed to have Ajaa like you who is loving and so knowledgeable! We love when you teach us and guide us on our path to knowledge and reaching a higher state in our lives. Talking to you is so wonderful and we love discussing all aspects of reasoning and learning from your studies of the Vedas.
You are the best Ajaa ever and we we are so happy to have an amazing Ajaa like you who comes to pick us up from school and spend time with us all the time! Not only have you taken the time to teach us, pick us up from school and help around the house, but you have also built a safe family for us to feel free to question and talk to you about life. Ajaa we love you so much and we are so happy to be your grand-daughters. Thank you for questioning us and making us think and reason with the world, you have made us understand right from wrong and taught us a lot of bringing our souls to a higher state. We hope in every life, we have you as our Ajaa to teach us like you have done. We will continue to practice everything you have taught us Ajaa!
We love you sooooo much!
Your 3 loving granddaughters.
Vj ~ Ingraining good reasoning habits is the greatest gift of love and compassion you can give to a child.
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Sent Friday, January 2, 2016
not very good at English but am a great fan of yours. Since 4 years i continuously reading what you write and still try to learn from you. I do not have a laptop,only this 2G 8year old cellphone that helps me to read what you write. I'm hindu by birth, name Seewoosagur from Mauritius.i speak french,hence not very good @ english but your site keeps me awake till 4am:-) almost 4 times a week.
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Sent by Maria Lozano, Jun 30 2017 at 8:21 PM
Message body:

My most respectful and humble Pranams, Sir,
I just found your website through Maria Wirth�s article in its comments. I could not help but writing you because I am simply amazed of the intensity and the shakti I found there. I am an Spaniard lady who found in Sanatan Dharma a new life.
I do not command English but I can manage as to have my own blog in the defense of Dharma. I understand what you say in your website about the ones who believe that Dharma has to protect us. As it already fully does, I devote my humble skills to give my two cents for its protection too.

Well, no need to make you waste more of your valuable time, Sir. I just wanted to convey to you that what I felt by reading excerpts of your website was elating and a rare blessed experience. Indeed, plenty of Light coming from an open window of straightforwardness that flow from the words you wrote there. As I am not still so spiritually mature as to understand the language of Silence of the Eternal as much as I would like, I bow in thousand Pranams to the Satya Shabda to which you are a transparent instrument there. May I get that realization in this life itself! May everyone open their eyes to the Light of True and be full of the Real Happiness!. I have been blessed by discovering your website. I will keep enjoying it as per my time permits.

Please accept my deepest gratitude that I could not hold within after reading parts of the website.
Maria (aka Durga)

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Sent by John Mar 27, 2007 - 10:19AM
After what I have read in the electronic book "The Light of Truth" have illuminated my heart and brought much light and security to my soul.
I want to read more and learn more. My quest of spirituality is now full. I know I must learn the exact way to worship the one God.
I am from the province of Quebec in Canada.
I do not want to get involved or be stuck in a cult again but keep my brain fresh from control and learn with the Swami books and looking at the experiences of other brothers that could help me.
Thank you,

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Sent by Arvind Tue., Apr. 21 at 12:35 p.m.
I have been a fan of your website.
You are spreading the truth/dharma/wisdom. Many many thanks. AKV
"Knowledge alone is the inexhaustible treasure; the more you spend it, the more it grows. All other treasures run out by spending, and the claimants inherit their shares as well. Thieves cannot steal this treasure, nor, can anyone inherit it." The Light of Truth
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